





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

My name is Ruth Williamson creatively known as BlankPages or Jai. I grew up in the Caribbean half my life but now currently living in the Big Apple NYC. I am a child of the late 80s and a new born 20 year old. My goal is to one day be on of the best photographers alive or to become the next Lisa Leslie of the WNBA also I would like to one day have my own business as a photographer. I love challenges to keep myself in touch with being more creative. I graduated from Samuel Gompers High School in 2008. I studied computer graphics design and developed a new passion. I experienced my first year of college at Sullivan County Community College where I continued my studies in computer graphics.

Throughout high school I always had a passion for photography and writing poetry. I love to hear, read, or construct a great story.

I am in love with sketching graffiti and random stuff. I am a self-taught painter and this is a far as I go as a lover of art.

Artist Highlights