






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I'm 48 yrs old and live in Arizona. I am a self-taught oil painter. The only art instruction I have had is grade school and high school, took a lot of art classes, always loved art. My grandmother always inspired me with paint by numbers kits and painting on rocks as I was growing up.

I love to listen to hard rock music to get my blood pumping. I also have to be somewhat "manic". I have a list of things I do before I paint, first, I clean all my brushes ( i know they should be cleaned after painting) I clean my palette, clean the can of odorless thinner and replenish it. I get all the paint ready, and by then I'm really getting excited. I look at the canvas.... and then I begin. I make sure that I have eaten, drank, and talked to all I need to before I begin so I don't get interrupted. Once I start painting I rarely stop for any reason until I'm finished. Sometimes It's hard to know when I'm done painting. I could totally over detail things... but then I think what's the point? Most of those kinds of details you can't see anyway especially if ur painting from a photo or you have bad eye sight like I do!

I absolutely love painting people and animals. I wish that I was better at landscapes and flowers (the reason I started painting). Weird huh? My father built me a wall unit to keep all my supplies on. I designed it, he built it and it is absolutely fantastic. I love spending time in my studio, it's my peace, and my love!

I hope you enjoy my art.

Lorinda Case

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