






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Paul Devine Photography

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Allow mine to take your breath away and leave you speechless"

Photography is my passion, a way for me to express the beauty my eyes behold.

A way for me to freeze a moment in time.

I am drawn to colors, shapes, textures and patterns.

I do not like to stage my photos, rather capture the subject as I find it. I am a self-taught hobbyist photographer.

Some of my favorite photographic subjects: Wildflowers! So beautiful and brief in life here in the Pacific Northwest. A challenging subject due to their very small size and habitat. I fear not the poison oak, bees, occasional scorpion or snake, thorny buckbrush and blackberry briars. All are worth the risk for the perfect photograph! Landscapes! I am always looking for magical photographs. Wildlife and Nature! Another challenging subject due to not wanting to cooperate and be still. But always worth the effort for that photo!

I am always interested in feedback on my photography so please feel free to contact me, comment on and rate my work. Thank you.

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