




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I guess it's about time I updated this a little!

First of all, thanks for looking at my portfolio. My name is Amy and I have been drawing as a hobby since middle school, but I have not taken formal lessons inside or outside of school. I'm 21-years-old now and drawing is still mainly just a hobby of mine. Unfortunately, the most I have been able to make these days are halfway decent doodles, but occasionally I have sat down and devoted a few days to a piece just to keep myself in practice.

I keep drawing as a hobby because is really one of the best ways for me to focus completely; I get into a trance-like state of mind and nothing else matters except what I am doing. It's almost like a spiritual exercise.

It's interesting how different artists need different environments in order to perform their best. For example, one my roommates is an art major and she likes to have the TV, music, or some sort of background noise going on for when she paints. However, I am the opposite. My preferred environment is locking myself in my room and working in dead silence without interruption until I am done. I'm not psycho about it, but it's what I prefer. :)

Anyway, thanks again for taking a look here. Best wishes

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