KEYWORD "CROSS": This is the only matching image in this portfolio for this keyword.
  • Jeanette Brown
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 19 of 32
  • Added 26 Sep 2004
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Celtic Fire

For all you doubters out there... why yes, I CAN draw males with correct anatomy! I just choose not to most of the time. ;) I'm teaching an Anatomy for Artists panel at Yaoi-con, but I'd gotten to thinking that it had been a long time since I'd done a drawing where I didn't skew the anatomy all to hell. So, I did this... both to prove to the jackasses who jump all over my famine-thin figures that yes, I do know what I'm doing... and to sell in the Yaoi-con art show. *chuckle* Now, that show doesn't have the best of track records, but it looks like the con's going to be much bigger this year, so maybe it has a chance. And hell, if it doesn't sell there, I can always take it to the pagan supply and bookstore that carries a bunch of my prints. I'm sure they'd love to have it.


Anonymous Guest

Diane Hill 14 Jun 2005

he's so pretty.... ::in awe::

Hilton Harris 25 Oct 2004

Beautiful piece. No naysaying on this front.

Amanda Hone 26 Sep 2004

Very good use of coloured pencil.

Nancy Woolweber 26 Sep 2004

Very nice rendering.