






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Hi… I’m Les! Not “Less” or “Lou” or “Lester” or even “Larry”. Just “LES” (as in “more or LES”). You’ve obviously viewed my photos and became more interested in wanting to know more about the photographer… ME.

So here's a tiny bit of my bio (you can probably google the rest):: Born in Budapest, Hungary… but convincingly immigrated to the USA during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Your math is impeccable and consequently you can assume I’m no spring chicken. Be that as it may. I’ve developed my interests in photography in college and beyond. My Alma Mater is Pratt Institute, where the “university without walls” attitude allowed me to expand my eclectic horizons. The photo samples you see here are, for all intents and purposes, nothing special -except to you. And that makes you an “interesting” voyeur in search of something “different”.

Art is very subjective… for the most part. However, there is something called “objective art”, and somehow you’ve been influenced to find it –and for some reason lingered at my site. But that’s your journey –I’m just an “influencer”.

Enjoy the view... purchase it (if you must).

Artist Highlights