







Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am a mostly self taught artist. I live in Columbus, Ohio with my beautiful wife and our 2 awesome kids. They have taught me that there is beauty in everything. All I have to do is look beneath the surface to see with my heart and mind.......not just my eyes. There is no limit to what can be considered art because it is a very personal thing and it means something different to each and every one of us. I hope you will enjoy your visit to my gallery.

“Do something every day that scares you”……………….Eleanor Roosevelt

I create art almost every day because there is an element of fear associated and intertwined with joy and excitement. It makes me feel like an explorer or archeologist discovering a new world each and every time I touch the tools of my imagination and creativity.

The predominant themes in my work revolve around the fragile world we live in and how we as humans affect not only this earth but how we treat each other in effect altering future generations with seemingly small gestures.

I love to use acrylic paints and mediums along with materials I find and repurpose into my work instead of those items finding their way into landfills. These items are sometimes the genesis of a painting dictating its tone and direction and sometimes they can alter a work already in progress because of shape, color or symbolism associated with a particular object.

My work is heavily textured with vibrant colors and many layers. I make paintings that almost encourage the viewer to take a closer look and maybe even touch the surfaces. I believe that looking at art with an open mind and heart can be like looking at our vast external or internal universe with a telescope or the microscope. The closer you look, the more you are likely to see.

Artist Highlights