




Artist Bio

Born and raised in Lowell,Ma. I am self-taught in painting with Acrylic and Oil Paints. Some of the work you will see is all homemade framework made out of the finest woods. All of the work you will see is inspired of the many challenges in life. From inspirations of Family and Friends, to the beautiful people ,cultures and sceneries that nature and this country has to offer. I have been involved in numerous artistic hobbies, such as, performing music, painting,sculpting,to the art of Akido at the Shodokan Dojo in Beverly,MA. Where I will be able to achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a Black Belt(currently hold a brown belt). My love and inspiration to really start painting is when I was in search of a form of therapy when I lost my grandchild to a tragic event. All of my work has a little piece of him that will always keep him close to my heart. My lovely wife Lilliane has been a true inspiration, with her encouragement and ideas that will ultimately help me become the artist I have always wanted to become. You can always find Lilliane at the studio. Feel free to stop by and say hi. As always I would be more than welcome to meet with you to discuss a painting and what inspired me to do a particular piece.Warmest Regards! John Trudel

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