








Portfolio Blog

06 Oct, 2015

my favorite time of year is approaching with rapidity the yews have arrived with the rams to follow with the rut ...wild times indeed the duck migration is beginning with a few hundred coots being hunted by the eagles ...the slaughter will be fearsome and the aerial antics of the eagles breathtaking watch : winter '15


14 Sep, 2015

Summer is coming to a speedy close! The antelope are hearding up Even the bull moose are hanging together again The Elk are in full rut and the call echoes across the peaks as the bulls charge about attempting to keep the cows hearded up The sand hill craines and geese and duck are eating everything readying their fat reserves for their trips south Bears are putting on weight and their coats are becoming full and beautiful The magical time of winter is not too far removed .....


24 Aug, 2015

There are fires burning all about the Northwestern part of USA and Canada. The smoke is can taste the air outside. Visibility is < 3/4 mile. Cassie and I are staying inside, running the ozone air purfier and reading our Bible. I have promised to photograph a church youth group on a sky diving trip in a week ............


16 Aug, 2015

Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, art auction for 2015, Juried in two pieces of my art for the November gala!!!


27 Jun, 2015

Summer has crash landed hard ... temperatures in the day in the 90s. Everything is out before dawn feeding in the cool of the morning and drinking lots of H20. fly fishing for trout is happening with the current May Fly hatch in process....


15 Jun, 2015

Cassie and I are in our new home!


09 Jun, 2015

Cassis and I are finally moving into our beautiful new home......thank you, Jesus!!!!


24 May, 2015

Spring has finally arrived in 'the high country' and God's animals are happily about their business. The birds, of all species, are hatching their babies. All the large animals are birthing their babies. Soon the wild flowers will open their beautiful faces to the sky conerning the meadows Jesus made with all the colors on His palate.


04 Apr, 2015

4/4/15 the trout spawn began in ernest 48 hours ago. this always coincides with the nesting of the raptors. therefore the immature eagles arrive first and the matures male and females have been nesting only about 8 days (total incubation tine is 40 days). as they become secure they will begin longer hunts. when the babies arrive ~ "all hell breaks loose" as their groth is amazing and their intake of calories huge. arising before dawn and being 'in position' becomes a mission as one doesn't want to miss the aerial shows. thee baby mammals are not far away! then the flowers in the 'high country' i am so blessed to have the life The Lord has given me!


16 Feb, 2015

For Valentine's Day I gave myself a new microscope :) It links into my Mac through Photo Booth so stand by for some neat photomicrographs.... YES! I am returning to the wild days of my youth!!!!
