• Jennifer Pitcock
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  • Added 14 Jun 2004
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The Fountain (draft render)

I haven't worked on this in a while, but this is a draft render of a scene I'm currently working on, and it more accurately reflects my current skills in 3D art. It's not finished--I may yet change the atmospherics, the lighting, add new objects, change some texture maps, etc. (I know for certain I'm going to change the ground texture map, which I don't really like as it is, and the hedge texture map, because the hedge texture map isn't hi-res enough to hold up to a hi-res print-quality render).

Credit for various elements:

- Stone female figure is Zygote/Daz3D's Victoria 2
- Stone lion's head comes from the Zygote lion mesh that ships witb Poser 4.
- Trees are Bryce procedural trees with default Bryce texturing (these will be custom textured in the final render)

- Water cascades, stone basin, stone slab, hedges, and iron gate modeled by me in 3D Studio Max.
- All texture maps (ground, hedges, stone basin, stone slab, stone woman, stone lion's head) created by me.

There is absolutely no post-work on this scene (I'm uncomfortable doing significant post-work on 3D images--it feels like "cheating." If I can't get the look I'm going for with 3D meshes and texture/transparency/bump maps, then I'll simply wait till I have more skill or a better computer and *can* do it purely in 3D :-).

(Spring 2003; modeled in Poser 4, 3D Studio Max, and Bryce 5)

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Karen Mansey 14 Jun 2004

Very nice