KEYWORD " LET'S FIND MY TEETH FIRST": This is the only matching image in this portfolio for this keyword.
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"Mushmouth, 'Hun, Let's Find My Teeth First'," c.2015, this is a photo capture for all of the pumpkins out there that have been deflated by ravenous squirrels which don't care a thing about the celebration of Halloween. Who knew squirrels could design interesting pumpkins at Halloween? Mr. Mushmouth will be back next Halloween...Boo Whooooooo?


Anonymous Guest

Debra Kott 24 Oct 2015

LOL How funny

Artist Reply: Debra, thanks for the compliment!! I just happened to catch in this state of mum-mouth...I had to take the photo! He is funny isn't he!! :) Mark Kokopelli

marie-claire gallet 23 Oct 2015

LOL !!!! WELL-DONE !!!!

Artist Reply: marie-claire...thanks so much for your compliment on this photo capture, because it happened naturally and I just caught it at the right time. It was so sweet of you to leave a message for me regarding this funny photo, taken with no gimmicks, tricks or treats!! LOL :)