






Artist Bio

I can identify and claim myself as baby boomer. I was born in the 50's and have lived and survived the 60's and 70's. It was then in the 70's, as student in college, when I found my voice and I express my thoughts and protested verbally against what I thought was wrong and unjust. Then came the unbearable 80's (yes I survived “Disco” and Reaganomics) but I had a family and that is what I focused on for the next twenty years. Now, it’s 2010 and four decades have passed me by, I feel that I am starting all over again. The kids are grow, I have retired and return to college. I am now able to do something that I have always wanted to do, phototgraphy. Now, I find myself, again, expressing myself and thoughts in a different way, this time with my camera. I see the world that surrounds me and I want to capture and save this time that I live within and I find I can and will do that with my photographs.

Artist Highlights