






Artist Bio

Painting is a special way for me to share and communicate that which is “physical” with “non-physical” thoughts, emotions, and feelings. My artwork from an early age was inspired through artists that defined surrealism, abstract, and abstract expressionism. The works of Salvador Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh, and Jackson Pollock would further influence the way I would express, understand, and appreciate the work of others and my own art. I have always been fascinated by getting a glimpse of what’s inside someone’s head, a view through their “eyes”, something which would not be possible to see unless otherwise created.

My goal is to reflect a balance of color, flow, and imagery with each piece as it pertains to the subject matter. When the subject becomes less concrete and more “mental” in nature, the painting will take on more abstraction; a balance between the “physical” and the “non-physical”. I paint what I feel, what I “see”, and what I want to express. I want to challenge the viewer's interpretation, allowing them the chance to internalize and appreciate each piece on a personal level.

Much of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions that we experience in life are very abstract. As I delve into greater abstraction I find more pure beauty.

M. J. Albers

Artist Highlights