






Artist Bio

I received my degree at San Diego State University in art education, working in various media, including illustration, ceramics, textiles, furniture, murals, sculpture, acrylic and oil painting. I have worked as an artist painting for the public at Sea World for seven years hand painting letter brush paintings on silk. I have been active as an arts educator and have taught children art at the San Diego Childrens Museum as a resident artist, teaching workshops in art for painting, clay and many other forms of artistic expression, and giving tours to schools groups around the museum. My paintings are influenced by the mandalas of many cultures and the symmetrical natures of our universe. Mandala is the Sanskrit word for circle. In religious art, the mandala is used to symbolize the universe- the circle of eternity. The mandala is a spiritual art form found around the world and within many historical cultures; the mandalas are a symbolic representation of the macro and the micro, what lies within and without, and the natural symmetry and rhythms within nature. Mandala art has been used throughout the world as a process of self-expression, in the service of personal growth and spiritual transformation. Each piece that is crated is allowed to develop in an organic manner, starting from the center and working outward, using a combination of airbrush and acrylic paints. Devoting my life to art because I believe art enriches our lives and spirits and through my art I strive to create more balance in our chaotic world.

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