Hello... To send a greeting to all. I have a little free time ,because of family and work responsibilities and it's hard to watch every day what is happening and to respond to both good things to write for my work. Thank you and i hope to understand me. I am an self-taught artist. I saw here fantastic works by people with a lot of talent. All the projects-work I've put here,exept than those with metal and of course the photos, I did at the age of 17-18.
My dream was to go to the Fine Arts school. Unfortunately, as is applied in Greece, I joined another school that had nothing to do with art.(oil technology) At age of 18 i did a presentation in gallery in my town, my work projects like the (memories and the Body ,with different eye ,work with indian ink) who is my favorite and my personal style ,that is highlighted. All works sold. Has now at age of 36 ,to compile a mine space and restart with what so much love and even love. The art ... in any form. The new start to owe to my husband, who encouraged me to start within the internet, my contact with art and artists. Sorry for that, but my English is not good.
Artist Highlights
Lives In: greece
ArtWanted.com Gallery: Fine Art