• Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 16 May 2020
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March of Robots 12th 2020

#MarchOfTheRobots2020, Bantron meditated for monthes on end, achieving near Limitless power over it's CPU mind. And leading a team of elite researchers, was able to formulate a bio #Fuel which would perfect robotics and transport efficiency..........................................................................................................................the arc of bantron's story, where he evolves past the machine he was built to be. as he is the newer model of military bots, his processing power is greater than that of his old partner. still he made of lighter material and not being as sturdy as the older robot, rage. he uses his strengths to his advantage, focusing on his best gift, his mind. as both robots go their separate ways, they both become total opposites. but its not to say that he was built to be smarter, both have equal processing power but bantron was built a bit differently as only being given one eye, his setup was to rely less on sight and normal senses as humans do but more upon something akin to a third eye. far more power to access data from external sources on the fly is his only difference between that of the other military robots. even as Rage was built heavier with denser metal, its not to say he couldnt have followed in bantrons footsteps... in this picture we see Bantron further becoming more and more human as he works to solve problems and help the world in a non-violent way. his advancement also paves the way for other robots like the military asssassin built to eventually hunt Neon. with this advancement in energy, robots nearly become self sufficient forever.

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