• Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 02 Nov 2019
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October 10th 2019 Inktober 2019

October 10th #Inktober2019... Even with the Killer Caught, The Captain couldnt stop considering the #Pattern of Clues... Was It actually Over, or were his Worries just another Part of his Own Fear? (By now the ideas were definitely getting short, 10 days straight of drawing nearly fully fleshed out stories and pushing my creativity to Not do what everyone else was thinking started taking its toll. It only seemed right to revisit a previous idea, and the style of the Detective Drama was just so intriguing. The most difficult part was emulating the style of drawing on that first miraculous drawing. Notice the hand gesture of the bearded man at the second table. All is certainly not well. Same in real life actually)

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Anonymous Guest

Elton Houck 24 Dec 2020

nicely done,,great job

Artist Reply: thanks, definitely not my strongest picture in the suite of detective story pics from Inktober 2019, but it does tell a great story. the captain himself is having some major anxiety while everyone else is feeling its all over; but in the background, things are just starting to unfold. the neck of the female character next to captain really bothers me, i wanted her looking back naturally, but the post looks too contorted. the layout on this one was difficult too, far too much overhead background. its easy to see how a poor layout can destroy a picture. also with my set up of drawing on a phone screen, this shows how difficult it can be; no cropping, no room for a rested hand, and a vertical layout. im glad i was able to rise to this challenge and that ppl do notice :)