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  • Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 24 Jan 2021
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March of Robots 13th 2020

#MarchOfTheRobots2020 Walters could feel his Pulse, but not touch it; his mind was on fire, and he only wanted to go back #Home to his Parents small appartment... but the last thing he could remember, was that Fragmentation Grenade on that last mission.............................................................................................................................................Cyborg Zero is Awoken from cryosleep by 2 of the Antagonist robots in the Story. on the Left is Omnicron, the final Villain of the story, and on the right is Blast, a Bounty Robot built to hunt down is Cyborg Zero's Back story to enjoy...............................................................................................................................Andrew Walters enlisted for the military at 18 years of age after a fallout with his first and only girlfriend. A loner by nature with noone to feel close to, he needed to devote himself to a cause. serving in the name of justice sounded like a good idea. but once he begun his training he began to have doubts and barely finished; when a war in a foreign land broke out, he was the first to be shipped. ...............................................................................................................................the small foreign country was trampled under the brute force of a modern military. Andrew didnt see much first hand combat, but was moved by the aftermath. nothing couldve prepared him for brutality and horror of war. he saw innocent civilians slaughtered and young children stripped of their families and homes. ...............................................................................................................................on a routine clean up mission his troop encountered enemy rebels. they were scattered and andrew ended up in cover across a street. but in the street stood a small girl with the most recognizable eyes to him. he was struck with memories of his lost lover in this small child. during the fight a fragment grenade was thrown toward the child's general direction, and andrew found himself lunging to protect the child. as the grenade went off, its violent force severely ripped into the young man's body. the child was killed instantly but andrew survived with half his heart, some of his torso, and most of his brain intact. being one of the few casaulties of the short war his living remains made it back to his nation's capital. ...............................................................................................................................Looking back at records, doctors found that andrew had started college, studying to become a scientist and scored high in math; with an above average IQ he was immediately entered into military test project. his brain was fused with that of a living cyborg body, the first of its kind he was inscribed with the new name "zero". but due to a slight memory malfunction he was put into sustained stasis. even with this small glitch, the project was considered a sucess and the military tried with more cyborgs; upto 9 more were made, but none as successful as "cyborg zero". the entire batch of them, either died or suffered critical malfunction. however, the entire project was deamed a success as it brought the military that much closer to the creation of the first thinking robot, and thus 30 years later would create Bantron. ...............................................................................................................................after the end of civilization, the sustained stasis that kept zero sleeping eventually lost power and released the powerful new weapon. zero is almost the perfect weapon, his human brain is beyond the capacity of Bantron's or any other sentient machine. he is equipped with a hand cannon in his right wrist, short range guns in this left hand, and a mini rocket launcher in his left thigh. he is capable of lighting fast adaptation to situations and environments and able to accelerate his body. but this near perfect weapon is much less than perfect as the human brain suffers from quick overheating and thus the front shield must be released to balance the pressure... and the once Andrew Walter's shattered mind has become Zero's new torment as he is haunted by a alter personality with the voice of his ex gilfriend manifesting itself as the last thing he saw before his half death, the small child. ...............................................................................................................................this ghost which threatens him with views of his own shattered past, commands zero to enter the tournament and fight. mostly for answers, but also for the thrill of using zero's weapons out on worthy targets.

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