





Artist Bio

Arjan de Weger

Sorry only some work can be seen at this site due to the censors of Art Wanted if you want to see more just jump to my site.

Current exposition. Gallerie The Sultan Amsterdam Holland

Meseactron 100.000 years erotic art Maaseik Belgium.

Up coming exposition Vue sur l'art Salle Wagram Paris end 2004

Arjan is a Dutch painter born in Amsterdam 1953 He is a dental engeneer who discovered his talent to paint mid ninety's He is a complete self taught man. He started the collection "Les femmes d'Arjan" in 1998. At first he only used black and white after the millennium he added a touch of red. He paints the modern assertive woman, sensual even erotic but never vulgair or pornographic. This year he started to fill in the background with another painting to create a greater tension He paints celabreties from pictures found on the internet and glossy magezins as well as own models At this moment the collection contains about a 100 fine oil paintings. He calls his art "An ode to the female sex"

A german art critic wrote about him: Die mannigfaltigen Ausdrucksformen weiblicher Lust - ein halbgeöffneter Mund, ein lasziver Blick oder eine hervorgestreckte Brust - zugleich selbstbewußt und offensiv und schamhaft zärtlich, sind der Gegenstand der erotischen Malerei des Niederländers Arjan De Weger. Dabei gelingt dem Künstler in seinen Arbeiten die reizvolle Gratwanderung zwischen dem leichten Blick auf die Oberfläche und der tiefer gehenden Beschäftigung mit dem eigentlichen Wesen der weiblichen Libido und so entsteht auch jene prickelnde Spannung, die für eine aufregende Begegnung unverzichtbar ist Stephan Schlage


Those several forms of female lust- The mouth halfopen, the luscivious eyes or a protruded breast- at the same time self concious controlling as well as tenderly loving. These are the contradictions in the erotic paintings of the dutchman Arjan de Weger. Together with the artists ability to find that wonderfull balance between the lustful eyes on the surface and the deeper meaning of the female libido that is how he creats a special exciting tension so needed in a painting with sexappeal. Stephan Schlage

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