




Artist Bio

Hi and G,day one and all. Since I was a kid I loved drawing. My interest is in realism. Although all types of art are very good, this is my preference. I really love the image that pencil art gives, also fine line pen. Sometime ago while in Australia I met a very artistic and creative man who introduced me to Pyrography. The art of wood burning, poker work are a couple of terms used for this art. The word pyrography means Fire Art. I'm originally from the UK, but I ventured to the land down under and really enjoy being there. I'm also quite the traveller and have been to many countries around the world where I have seen and experienced a lot of things. I have also put some of those things into my art. Travel is a great experience, you should try it. I really enjoy wildlife and I use it quite a lot in my art. I'm into guitars and blues music and love to pyrograph on guitars, either a famous face or wildlife. Although having said that I can pyrograph just about anything on a guitar, or a wood surface or leather and also paper. The imagination is the only thing limting what can be done. Should you have the desire for my artwork on your guitar, violin, banjo please contact me and discuss the details. I am more than happy to do commission work for you. I did a portrait, which was commissioned by Maton Guitars of Melbourne Australia. It was a special gift for the present owner of the company. The portrait was of the company founder and it was presented to his daughter for a Christmas gift, which she enjoyed very much. The portrait was pyrographed onto an acoustic guitar and is now on show in the reception area of the company along with many of their beautiful guitars that are enjoyed internationally as well as in and around Australia. As you can see from my portfolio I can put my work on almost anything from musical instroments to toilet seats, so like I said it's the imagination that controls what and where. Thank you so much for taking the time to look through my work, I hope you have enjoyed your time here. My kind regards to you all. Miki

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