






Artist Bio

Born in the year 82. In 01-07 years, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Painting. In 07 she graduated the Painting Studio under the guidance of Professor Jaroslaw Modzelewski. She prepared her annex to a diploma at the Artistic Tapestry Studio under the guidance of Professor Dorota Grynczel. She studied several years at the Wall Painting Studio under the guidance of Professor Edward Tarkowski, where she was mainly interested in mosaic technique. Selected exhibitions:

2003 - Exhibition „Dluzew 2003”, Studio Gallery PKiN, Warsaw

2005 - Introspection, Aspekt Gallery, Warsaw - Studio 59 – Visual structure, Lazienkowska – Yhe young artist’s Gallery, Warsaw - European blue - young generation, Aula Gallery, Warsaw

2006 - Individual exhibition, Center of Culture - Bielany, Warsaw - Studio 59 – Visual structure, Dzialan Gallery, Warsaw - Individual exhibition, Saski Club, Warsaw

2007 - Young Warsaw Textile, 12th International Tapestry Triennale, Lodz - Individual exhibition, Warsaw University Library, Warsaw - Promotions, Art. Gallery in Legnica, Legnica 2008 - Nowy Squad, Studio 103, Warsaw 2009 - POOL, XXI Gallery, Warsaw - Entranc, Studio18, Warsaw - Noc Muzeów, Galeria Zoya, warszawa

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