• Khaamar Neo
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  • Image 10 of 18
  • Added 02 Jun 2003
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the violin and etc

Name it "the violin and etc" beacuse it's original title is "The violin, the yin-yang, the white blind flying baby snake and the earth dragon" - a bit long, isn't it?!... =^^'= I played a lot with Photoshop 7 in this one! It is almost totally digital! I didn't even used a sketch, sorry, I just used a sketch to do the girl, but everything was done in the computer only. Hope ya like!! everything in the CG (c) Khaamar Neo 2003


Anonymous Guest

LagunaL8 04 Dec 2003

Lovely lighting in this!

Lauren Maxwell 11 Aug 2003

Wow, this picture speaks to me. It may not be anything you were thinking of when you did this but, it kinda makes me feel like music is magic and that it can create wonders. Ok, ok so i'm a little bit strange but I just thought you would like to know that this is excelent work because all artests like to know that their work is appreciated and this is one that I think very much of.

Megan Ozark 11 Jun 2003

Wow. Just... wow. I absolutely love everything about this drawing, from the violinist, to the almost hidden ying yang, to the blinding light making there gigantic contrasts between light and dark. This is simply amazing, though I could praise it further with a multitude of adjectives matching it's greatness. Beautifully crafted, excelent job.

Cindy 02 Jun 2003

I like the colors, the light contrasts too. But there is something about the violinist... it's as if she'd stopped playing. Is it supposed to be like that? If so, ignore that comment. I like the background too ^_^ Nice picture!