






Artist Bio

‘Sometimes people tell me I see things differently; I just want to tell them to look better!’

Ber Stekelenburg´s work is characterised by the combination of chaos and rigid geometric shapes, extremes which apparently combine easily. His inspiration for his minimalistic, steel objects are often fragments or details culled from his direct surroundings. “My work is about the amazement and wonder I find in simple things around me or in words and sayings. These are abstract concepts which I wish to put onto an image. I think that the essence of my work lies in the fact that it expresses my wonder. People sometimes tell me I see things differently; I want to tell them look first!” Ber says.

His artist life started in the studio of his uncle Jan Stekelenbrug (1922-1977), well known as soloist next to the Cobra movement. In his schildhood Ber used to be regularly surprised by everything he saw on his regular visits. Ber: “For practical reasons as well as because of my interest in the technical side of life, I started with photography. But I kept missing something. So in the early 80´s I attended evening classes at an academy. In spite of the fact that I had chosen sculpture, I started with painting and later – by virtue of my steel objects – a symbiosis of painting and sculpture came into being.”

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