






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

To the many that keep me on my path and all who keep my piece(s) in view..........Thank you for taking an interest and a view of what continues & ensues. Over 4 decades of pursuing diverse artistic endeavors with a continuing growing body of work. My fire, my passion started with drawing.... but now: Carving,painting,sculpting,... Renaissance artist? Maybe.

But most importantly each piece coming from the heart. each having a beat. And all the while, since the first breath of this trek many have seen, suggested and supported- my march, my run to an unheard pounding drum.

Displaying work is an extension of my 'being' and keeping in-step with productivity & artistry. WTS, Feel free to check my other sites: marcanthonyl => Facebook / Instagram ..... MARCANTHONYLworks => Etsy Establishments: Planetary Espresso, Caffe Ladro (Downtown), Caffe Vita (Queen Anne, Olympia & Capital Hill & Silverlake~ CA.), Uncle Elizabeths' , #Pound Studios~ Seattle, WA., Bluestem Bistro & The Vape bar ... Manhattan,KS,

Thanks and much respect to all of you for reading thru & grasping a view of what i do. MA

Artist Highlights