






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am fascinated by the individual’s relationship within society. It is in this context that I exist.   Along the beaten path, I allow myself to observe from a multitude of vantage points; towards the recent past or a future yet to occur. This is what inspires me- the creative moment yet to happen, laden with limitless possibilities. When I take a look at the past, I identify social and personal nuances and their direct influence on my work, and then with excitement look for what comes next. In this process I take distance from myself and view with a critical eye. Ever evolving, I search for more.   I am neither a painter nor sculptor, much less a photographer or director, but I am a little bit of everything. I don’t feel bound to one specialized art form, and this allows me to navigate free and unencumbered by norms and expectations. My goal is not to achieve perfection in any one area, but rather to explore all disciplines- joyfully challenging myself, provoking and exploring beyond any pre-conceived limits.   In my work I try to establish a connection between my reality and the reality of those who dedicate a few minutes of observation. I'm constantly searching for the vanishing point that gives diverse expression to my artistic production. This is the creative fuel that drives me ever forward. 

Represented by: Usa - Mazelish Gallery Sweden - Redsheep Gallery Portugal - Zet Gallery

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