






Artist Bio

My name is Syed Tahir Abbas Rizvi. I live in Lahore; Artist doesn’t need to wait for inspiration. His inner self can make him paint anytime. Ideas come to my mind and color scheme & shapes are surroundings. I use calligraphy Paintings in own characteristic way of modern Art. Currently I work on Paint just Words. Personally think that religion is a symbol of peace itself, such inspiration is a great cause of self-satisfaction. I am not a one-dimensional artist, who only paints. I am also a Designer; I have been following the creative development in arts and with a thirst for knowledge that is impressive. I also believe in a culture, working creatively in calligraphy paintings. However, this has not stopped him from applying himself to other callings and fields of work. I know about the delicate art of life, to which I devotes him completely.

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