






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am a self taught artist. I just picked up a pencil about 8 years ago and gave it a try and My husband bragged on it so much that it gave me confidence to keep drawing and keep tring. I'm still learning but having fun learning! I've had the chance to teach middle school kids a few classes for an art teacher friend of mine, I would fill in for her in her absence so that was exciting! I've help the kids at my kids' school get ready for yearly art contest and I've enter a few contest myself. Won some and lost some but I enjoyed showing my work! I've had my art published in my church bulletin and I've sold some of my work and gave away alot of it to friends and family. All in all, I love art and hope to someday do more with my ability. I also hope to one day finish drawing my pictures for two of my childrens stories that I wrote and have them published one day!

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