





Artist Bio

T.J. Lee, a Los Angeles based artist and surfer, has been painting and drawing since he could raise a hand to paper. He has been exhibiting his work online and at local art festivals. His work is varied in mediums and styles. This is due to his wide background that goes from Tattoo design to photography and onto traditional forms such as painting and graphite pencils. With his varied style he can be called upon to do almost any commission piece. A pattern that is constantly showing up his pieces is "flowey" lines as he describes them. I find right angles and straight lines harsh, says T.J. These soft and sensual curves give an inviting feeling to his pieces. His influences are draw from a very wide scope of the art world. He studies the old renaissance masters and old masters of impressionism. His contemporary influences are mainly from the surf art world such as Drew Brophy and Greg knoll. With each medium, he conveys a different theme. With his Photos its peace and tranquility that rules them. With his travels off of the beaten path his photography is of the world that is rarely seen. His graphite renders are always intimiate bringing the viewer into his world seeing through his eyes and sometimes his heart and soul. His paintings are always colorful with the influence he brings in from surfing. He put it this way about his paintings, "The graceful lines that one can travel on those pure bands of energy can translate to the delicate lines of color one can lay on a canvas."

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