





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Today I am a professional artist. My only tutor has been myself. But let me quickly add - past the teaching, the books and the theories, art is ultimately within the creator; that which cannot be taught. We create something, and when it is sold or shared with others an intangible piece of ourselves goes with it.

I do however, have a creative writing degree and have used this knowledge over and over again; most particularly on the Internet. I have published more than 65 Articles, wrote copy for many webmasters, set up two Art websites of my own, and currently publish an ArtBlog with material that stays current with today's art techniques.

I would encourage anyone whose creative juices have never been fulfilled to contact me. Together we can find an art niche that will satisfy that urge. A meager income never stopped a driven artist. My help is free.

Time will destroy everything; us, our thoughts and our ideas, but it will not touch the things we have created: our music, our poems, our films, or our artworks.

Esther Hinchliff Smith [email protected]

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