




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

My art takes its form from a single shape, colour or an image that enters my mind.

From a single shape it can evolve and end up as a piece of work that is totally spontaneous.

I may do a painting where I just know the colours I want to use.

An image that enters my mind I will sketch and may use that sketch later in a painting.

Aside from traditional brushes I use other tools, that could range from a handheld kitchen whisk to a mascara brush to apply the paint to my canvasses. At times I even use my hands as a method of painting.

Through my work I aim to achieve a high level of inner satisfaction and hope that others viewing my art will find it as equally rewarding.

Lastly I want to say thanks to all that have been welcoming and leaving comments which I appreciate and also a big Thank You to a friend and fellow artist that introduced me to this friendly site "Andres Martinez" check out his art !!

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