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  • Ron Atkin
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  • Image 432 of 566
  • Added 29 Oct 2012
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THE PAPER THAT COVERS THE BEST PARTS AND DISCOVERS THE BEST BOOKS............Oil 6ft x 4ft. ........................The original showing the nurturing glands of mankind can be obtained in a signed print from [email protected]...........................................“The upper brain is composed of highly specialized substance. It is a reservoir of God's creative compounds. It is that God-making material—the Kingdom of Heaven wherein all is found. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you." "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Heaven means "heaved up"—a high place. The cerebrum is, then, the kingdom of heaven, for it is within us. By seeking it we draw from it the precious oil or ointment which shall nourish the brain and therefore cause it to grow and expand. Certain parts of the brain cells are dormant. They are in a certain slow rate of motion or activity, and, therefore, answer to vibrations of their kind. Let us suppose, for example, that little cell in the brain is composed of spirallae, spirals of nerves, seven sets of which can be seen by the trained occultist. In a person of low intelligence only three or four of these spirallae will be found to be active, while the man who is already working along the line of regeneration— living the life of self-sacrifice, will show five and six in active operation. The higher and more lofty the quality of the thought, the finer or higher the vibration. Just as the vibration of the ether strikes upon the tympanum of the ear and produces sound—so are the spirallae of the brain cells operated upon by the fingers of the heavenly man, when the Kingdom is sought………………………….. Thought, then, is a vibration, and as a man thinks so does he vibrate his brain cells. How many people really think? The war has done more to wake people up and set them to thinking than anything else ever could have done. It has started that process in many people—it has forced them to think. Thought is a particular development of ideas, something entirely apart from the "hit-or-miss," "ramshackle" process which was supposed to be thought. Let us begin to think; let us choose the material from which we shall build our temples—the temple of the "Living God." The process that the average man calls thought is not consecutive thinking. God hasten the day when people will realize that all that is, has been or will be, is the result of thought. Thought is both creative and destructive. Not only are we making our bodies now, but we are making those which we shall wear in the future. By the future I mean when the individual is reincarnated. A great thinker has said: "Know this mighty fact, the soul is but the fruitage of thought tinctured and tarnished with the emotions, passions and desires of the flesh." From Cary and Perry 1920.

5 of 6 Comments Show All 6 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 24 Nov 2012

I can't wait to read the book! Your artwork commands attention. Thank you for enlightening us! LLCL

Karen Helsing 30 Oct 2012

I like those cats the best.

John Cappello 30 Oct 2012

The perfect Caption for This. Great artwork.

Maria Anna Machado 29 Oct 2012

fantastic work...

Phil Cashdollar 29 Oct 2012

It's really a shame that you had to cover up this fantastic painting Ron.. What is more shameful is AW's concept of real art an expression.. At least they did'nt edit your words..yet... thats why i don't give them my money to be a member of artwanted.. they should change there name to censored artwanted...