KEYWORD "DEMON": This is the only matching image in this portfolio for this keyword.
  • Allanna .
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  • Image 4 of 11
  • Added 26 Mar 2007
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Void of Nothing

I made this with Pen and Ink,Colour Pencil, and Charcoal.This is a character i did while practising dragon wings, I made the character. Allanna :]

5 of 11 Comments Show All 11 Comments

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Cody Richardson 09 Apr 2007

I love it! The ripped and torn wings makes him appear expearenced but the smirk makes him dangerous. The texture is awesome you gave to his jeans. Great work!

Artist Reply: Thank you! Yea, I think ripped and torn wings just suit his personality, and he woulnd't be himself without the smirk,yea, thats a trick i learned while doodling in school, lol :]

A penn 01 Apr 2007

Finally! We get to see some anime! Great job! Love the wings!

Artist Reply: Thanks Abby, i know. i know. simply put, I dont add enough anime to this place lol

Thom Roslan 26 Mar 2007

Totally "kOOl"......Banana B ! Yea....... the 'tattered" wings & bellbottoms really ADD interest to the character.....the tail is wild & pure devilsh, and I like the lonliness & isolation of him on that rock.....kOOl touch !!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Thom! Yea, i wanted to add a plain character but i also didn't want to make him TO plain, so i added the tattered wings and bellbotoms.Yea, I must say the tail IS my favorite part of the picture.

William Boyer 26 Mar 2007

aw, neet job

Artist Reply: Thank you so much!

Patrick Boyle 26 Mar 2007

Great job on those wings!!!I also like the charcater,looks like he's looking to get into some mischief!!! Really great work!!!

Artist Reply: Yes! thank you so much! my mom thought that he was smiling cause' he was happy! but really that's a mischevious smile, simlpy because, he's the fallen prince of hell ( my character >.< ) that is why his wings are torn! thank you so much for noticing his mischevious smile. i think apart from the red, the the co-centerpeice of this drawing.simply put