





Lucio Diodati was born in 1955 in Popoli, a small town on the Italian hills of Abruzzo. He discovered his passion for painting during high school, when he started realizing his first artworks. In 1975 he attended a program in scenography at the Academy of Fine Arts of l’Aquila, entering officially into the art world. The turning point of his career was the meeting with Gennaro Fiume, an Italian dealer who invited him to display some artworks in his gallery in Rome. Nature has been the subject of his early works, characterized mainly by stylized fields with flowers and the use of primary colors. With the artwork “Amiche” from 1985, women become the main characters of his paintings. Colors meet female bodies to tell a story which is still going on. In 2002 he went to Havana for the first time and since that moment the city represents a second home for him, a place where the artist gets inspiration and free his mind. Diodati’s artworks have been displayed in major cities all around the world: New York, London, Montreal, Barcelona, Berlin, Havana.

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