





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Born in England in 1978 of Spanish/English/Portuguese descent now based in Alicante, Spain. Several one-woman exhibitions in England. I am inspired by simple(complex?)human emotion, the human condition, what it means to be alive here and now in the world, and mans search for meaning in a post(-post-post?!!!)-modern culture that seems to deny it. At University I studied art theory as part of the course and investigated the questioning of the meaning and validity of painting today, also the construction and deconstruction of meaning on a two-dimensional surface as a metaphor for these things and/or a metaphor for the questioning of the nature of reality, and this continues to be an influence. Spiritually Im most influenced by Buddhism, I do not fully subscribe to any organised religion. p.s. If you find my prints being sold on-line anywhere that isnt directly from me, know that I am not benefitting from those sales in the slightest.

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