






Artist Bio

Although my formal education is in Graphic Design, my first love is Fine Art. In 1999, after 15 years, I left the Graphics industry to dedicate myself to developing my career as an Artist. It is my childhood dream. Now, years later, I am still learning to paint (it is an ongoing process) and I am still as fascinated by the world of Art just as intensely as I was as a child.

There is no grand philosophical explain about what and why I paint ... I simply have a deep, internal need to paint. I cannot imagine my world without Art and the process of creating it. Certainly, I hope a viewer makes a connection to a piece, but I don't necessarily always have a decided motivation behind the work. Many times it is just because I thought a face was beautiful or the play of light interesting. Of course there will always be personal undertones in each piece, it cannot be avoided.

My preferred medium is Watercolor because I love the fluidity and luminosity it gives the artwork. Occasionally, I add touches of ink, colored pencil, acrylic and gouache. I also use Fabriano 300lb. Soft Press paper exclusively because I am rather heavy-handed with the application of water and there is no need for pre-soaking and stretching the paper. I love the texture of the paper and the way it lends itself to fine detail.

In addition to creating art, I am an intuitive Tarot reader, Reiki practitioner, and am developing my skills as a psychic medium. I hope, in the not too distant future, to be able to work more with others in helping them nurture and expand their own abilities. I am a firm believer in the purpose of our lives being the evolution of our higher selves and reaching the ultimate goal of becoming One with "God". Being human is the greatest, and hardest,lesson in the development of our Spirit.

I live in the foothills of western North Carolina with my husband, Jerry, and my cat, Creature. In my spare time, I enjoy camping, sewing and quilting, and am an avid reader of most any genre' of books.

Artist Highlights