




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Hi everyone. I am new to artwanted, but am having a lot of fun with the site. Keep watching as I am just starting to post, and still have a lot of projects I am working on. I have had a lot of requests for eyes for different projects or wings, so some samplers are posted here, and to show just how well they can be used, I have also posted a few of the things I have made with these wings and eyes. I love a good challenge too, so if there are any requests for different colors or styles, let me know, and I would love to try it out. Many blessings and hope to see lots of new faces and meet a few new artists on here. Come back and join me for the fun! ART WORK in this GALLERY is COPYRIGHTED and solely owned by artist. DO NOT COPY!!! This is not for personal or commercial use unless you pay for the use of the art. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, or exploitation of any of the Content, whether in whole or in part, without express written permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Please understand I am a disabled artist, and I need the money too. If you wish a copy, there are plenty for sale and you can buy copies easily on this site. Best of blessings, Maraleh ps again, I have moved a lot of my are over to: take care again and hope to see you there.

Artist Highlights