All pictures posted by myself are copyrighted by myself . I create original fractals which I apply in 3D creating material presets.The resulting artwork I call "Fractal3D.:. I use only AppleMacIntosh computers for my artwork. All work posted by myself is 100% original. Has been shown at New Jersey shore resorts. My interest in the arts began with crayons and by the age of five years old i began 12 years of intensive study of classical piano and theory, at the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music(now Univ. of the Arts). I incorporated theatre at the age of 12 yrs at the Philadelphia Children's Repetory Theatre. After graduating secondary school from Mt.St. Joseph Academy in Flourtown Pa. I entered the School of Communications and Theatre at Temple University with a double major of Communications/Theatre and a double minor of Journalism/Psychology. While in Temple University I worked in the newsroom of KYW(GroupW) NewsRadio in production, and at Temple's Office of TV Services. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Communications and Theatre. Later, I worked in commercial photography At Philadelphia's oldest commercial-custom photo studio at that time, Dillon and Co. My many years of training and experience in the lively arts taught me from an early age the myriad disciplines necessary in all the arts. Not the least of which is knowing when to stop. Furthermore, it was working in the theatre that I was first exposed to and trained in the art of using materials to create illusions.And then turning those plans into safe architectural structures, both highly specialized and meant for very limited duration in time. Finally, I combined my crayons and my keyboard in the new discipline of digital art. I would like to make a contribution to CGI, help her "become a lady," among the more established arts. Here, I present samples of my attempts at such.... Thank you for your interest, In creating my work I no longer use recognizable life-form. This decision was made that each viewer may have a fuller emotional ad intellectual response by means of avoiding arbitrary, individual subconcious preferneces. SOME RECENT CREDITS: 2006 published by Cyberwit Publishing in the new book "Different Worlds...A Virtual Journey." Available at Also, in 2006 published in the TajMahalReview Published in multiple calendars by, years of 2007 and 2009. In National Juried Competiton was selected by independent juror Marissa Olsen to place 2 works in Digital Works Exhibition June27-July20 2010 at the Long Beach Island Art and Science Foundation in Loveladies New Jersey USA August 2010 signed licensing agreement with ABC/Disney December 2010, became Contributing Member of Creation Studios "Bar Karma" Sci-fi television show over current TV Channel January 2011, 5th most recommended Contributing Member to Creation Studios "Bar Karma" January 2011 invited to become a contributing member of the Campaign To Raise Digital Art to the Status of Fine Art Group
Artist Highlights
- Gallery: Digital Painting
Proficient Software: Adobe Photoshop,Image Ready, Adobe Essentials, Bryce, kpt3,kpt Convolver,Knoll Lens Filters kpt5,Macromdia Freehand, Dreamweaver, ,Firewoks,Extension Manager,XAOS,Easy Fractal, MacOs versions 7 thru X. All artwork created with PowerMac Computers
Past Clients: published internationally,private clients, shows at the nj shore resorts covered by the press