





Artist Bio

I have no degrees from prestigious art schools or nothing of that sort to brag about. I was born with eyes that see no color and are only able to see the "Big E" on the eye chart. Art wouldn't seem a practical choice, but it is nothing short of a miracle what God allows me to do! No matter which Bible translation you prefer, 2 Corinthians 12:9 packs a very uplifting message. It speaks of Christ's power being made perfect in weakness.

Every art piece I create must do one of two things. It must lift the spirit or soften the heart. I strive to create pieces that people can relate to, have strong emotion about; artwork that can stand the test of time; pieces that are lovely and have a way of reminding us of those precious and beautiful things that our eyes have glimpsed only rarely and that make our hearts leap within us. God has rewarded my passion and determination with the works that flow from my pencils. Heaven helps those who help themselves. I'm here to encourage you not to give up!

Artist Highlights