





Artist Bio

Long ago, it seems now, a 10 year old girl wrote this in response to the question-"What do you want to be when you grow up?" "When I grow up I would like to be an artist and paint with lovely oil colours. I would paint forest scenes and wildlife pictures. I think it would be a good occupation because I enjoy artwork now and although I try to do my best, it always seems to me it could always be better. I think painting would be a promising job to do. Who knows one of these days I might be famous like Da Vinci!" Well I was that girl, and ,I guess I've finally grown up , because here I am-at long last living my dream.Although I don't think Da Vinci need worry! I studied art in high school but consider myself largely self taught or untaught if you will.I have always drawn, sketched,and painted, using whatever supplies were at hand.Watercolour, oil,pencil, pen and ink,even crayon resist. However my favourite is acrylic paint because I like to work fast,( even then I have been known to resort to a hair dryer to speed up the process!) Animals have always played a huge part in my life,from the very first puppy to my feline family of the present. From my beautiful Quarter horse gelding of the 80's to my much maligned mule,a life without fur of some kind would be a very empty one for me. This love of creatures has led me to produce many portraits of much-loved pets. A lot of which I did on slate or tumbled bluestone so each could be used as a memorial stone by the family. I am equally comfortable painting on hardboard,watercolour paper, wooden panels, walls, doors,or floors. Stonework is my favourite. Tiny pebbles on the beach challenge me to create miniature portraits for a corded necklace or a pin, cobbles make great paperweights or doorstops. Larger stone images brighten the edge of a water garden or pond. I love to paint and I love animals,how better to combine the two than to be an artist! I was born in Newfoundland,raised in Toronto, Ontario and just this year I have returned to the island of my birth where the air is clean and clear and the scenery is spectacular!

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