





Artist Bio

SELF REPRESENTING VISIONARY ARTIST C.CAMBREA Artist Statement: From my earliest memory I have been creating art in one form or another. There is usually no plan when I start a piece I leave it up to intuition to lead me. After that first line, shape, or color makes it way to the paper I get lost in none thought. Unlike most areas of life -there is no thoughts which cause stress, worry, and mindless chatter. It is my time to meditate- and when my time with the paper is done I have a creation that in some way represents my life situation, life experience, or life dreams. It is a wonderful gift to see the finished piece revealed to me. My work is inspired by life experience and circumstance however, it is not until it is complete that the stories reveal themselves to me. Looking back on my earlier works is like taking an emotional snapshot of my life in a moment. Some have been dark and some filled with light but all inspirational!!! The Style? As of yet I have not learned what my style is called. What i do know is I have always had the same style. Of course just doing it my work has naturally evolved into what it is today. Looking at other art in the world my work most falls into the category of Outsider Art, Art Brut, or Visionary Art. I had a customer send me an email which I loved: "Perhaps you can not be classified, because you are truly your own, unlike so many others who are amalgams of what they studied or what came before them. Impressionism becomes its own genre, as did cubism.....someone always has to be the leader....could cambreaism be around the corner?" So my style is what it is call it what you like and perhaps one day there will be a name for it! The Work: Simply through repetitive images a set of symbols have been recognized and new ones come only every so often. The obsessive compulsiveness of my earlier works has tamed down -reflection of my life now living in Vermont. I find I draw in the negative space which creates images inside of images. I love to hear from a collector "i have never seen that face before". One day the piece will look totally different to you and you will see it like you never did before. It usually takes awhile to see everything in the piece. If you are looking for art to just hang and look pretty (and match your couch) my work probably isn't the best style for you. If you are looking for work that will demand your attention to discover all it has to offer -this will be perfect. The images will reveal themselves to you the more you study it. I so LOVE making this ART and hope you enjoy having it.

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