





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I was born in Poland and live near Warsaw in the small town of Otwock. A professional optician, I now work in logistics, and spend my free time exploring and refining my interests in digital artwork. I have been inspired both by the work of Salvador Dali as well as computer game art found in such titles as "Myst" nd "Riven".You can find elements of the atmosphere from those strange but beautiful worlds in my pictures. The main program I use now is Bryce 7 Pro, with the postword done in Adobe Photoshop 5. Some of my work, along with his tutorials, can be found in a step-by-step guide/album "DIGITAL SCI-FI-ART" published by ILEX (September 2004) printed in the UK. In March 2004, I was featured artist showcased in "Science Fiction Weekly" website and cover artist in THE BULLETIN OF THE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY WRITERS OF AMERICA (Summer 2004 edition).

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