





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Originally from Virginia I began shooting at the age of 15 with my father's trusty Nikkormat and a 28mm lens which is still my favorite focal length. After little success in the public school system, I entered a local community college and studied photography, lighting and design. My main concentration for several years was B&W printing and following the principles of the Zone System. My hands no longer mix chemicals as I use a digital workflow for both color and B&W printing. I have been using 4x5 and 6x7cm film formats for the last 16 years (have not gone digital nor do I plan to) I prepare (profile) and scan all of my own slides and print them on the Lightjet or on the professional Epson archival pigment printers. The goal of my photographs is to convey a realistic representation of the natural world. I greatly enjoy all of the subtle details in nature and use only the highest quality transparency films and lenses in order to reproduce them as naturally as possible. I pay great attention to my developed film and strive to match my slides to my final print and my pre-visualization of the scene. The only filters I use are UV, 81A, and 81B color correction filters. My primary focus is landscapes of Northern Colorado where I live, In the village of Red Feather Lakes. My work can be purchased locally at Mountain Crafts Gallery and at The Benson Gallery in Fort Collins, CO. I hope you enjoy my images and I look forward to seeing your's! Personal note: The "magic" of digital imaging is not that you can "create" amazing photographs it is the fact that you can make accurate prints from your amazing slides (finally)

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