




Artist Bio

I used to dream of being an artist, an animator specifically and even had the opportunity to work with one of Disney's Feature animators. This led to repeated submissions and a wonderful collection of rejection letters from every animation studio and comic company you can imagine. (Is it irony to to use rejection letters as sketch paper?)

Anyway, a lot of my early works were just renderings of photos. The animator who mentored me once said, "Its not enough to draw what you see, you have to draw what you know and what you feel. Otherwise just change your name to Xerox." So I began buying books and studying and learning. . . .and now. . . . .years later. . . .I've advanced to. . .well, learning and studying. I went to college for Engineering for 6 years and actually have more art books than engineering books.

Thank you very much for viewing my portfolio. This is the first time I've shown anything to the public. The one thing I ask is that you please be honest with your critiques. Praise leads to confidence, but someone stepping up and saying, "Her lips are too close to her nose and it looks like she has bitter beer face", might be just the thing to help me out. Don't worry, I take criticism really well. I just curl up in a little ball in the closet and hum show tunes for awhile. Actually, with the caliber of artists I've seen on this site, I think it will be a great learning experience.

"If it ain't broke. . . .I can fix that."

Artist Highlights