





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

FULL NAME: Nathan Whifield Jones DOB: 1979

LOCATION: Sydney, NSW, Australia

EMAIL: [email protected]

PRIOR STUDY: Bachelor of Visual Communications, Newcastle University

DIRECTION: The "Bizarre" series began life as a drawing from a digital model I had of a dragon. I sketched it out on a big peace of paper for no other reason then pure enjoyment. I then started playing with "real" objects on my desk - trying to light them with a desk lamp and think about how I could exaggerate lighting and perspective. The end result was the "menagerie" drawing. I then decided that I wanted to do a series of huge Black and white pencil drawings and see where they take me.

Now my aim is to push this notion of free hand drawing on a large scale with next to no aid from reference.

The work that I have been most happy with has been produced without the aid reference. Most of the time a starting block has been needed. I photo or an object but drawing from the seat of your pants is far more Fulfilling.. at the moment I'm still building up the confidence to just dive in completely unaided. It's coming but its hard work.

The next few works should see my style progress in the manner I want but for now here are the first few steps in the Bizarre series. These don't yet represent where I want to take it but it's a start - a few steps in the direction I want to go.

Im also very interested in technology at the moment. Specifically 3D modeling and animation. The idea of science and art as a fused creation is something that has me hooked and will continue to interest me for a long time to come.

I should have a short film done soon enough.

Artist Highlights