





Artist Bio

My name is Jaime Castro Leyton, I´m a 27 years old graphic designer from Universidad del Bio-Bio since 2003, happily married and have a beautiful daughter (humility besides). I was born and raised in Talca, until I entered college in 1996, the time I moved to Chillan. I have a deep love for comics, field in that I hope to develop myself as an artist. I like movies -without being a film buff-, music (particularly FNM), I try to read as much as I can, obviously you can not live only of comics; I watch a lot of TV, maybe too much.

As far as now, I have done some Manuals illustrations, some illustrations for the issue 7 of Adiós al séptimo de línea of la Tercera an Inked cover for Inside the lines magazine , and a few jobs in the Design field. (Now I´m working inking the art for a comic project).

My influences are Frank Miller, Bryan Hitch, John Cassaday, Travis Charest, Carlos Pacheco, Salvador Larroca, Alan Davis, Alex Ross, Dave Gibbons, Adam Kubert, Adam Hughes and some other.

Artist Highlights