• Christopher Eisert
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  • Added 28 Jun 2009
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Dragonfly paisley #4 Tattoo Design

Another Dragonfly paisley design :

Commissioned line work. These are always fun to make since they have so much behind each one..a story thru out with all the various symbols, embellishments etc. For most that hire me want to express that personal touch by adding things with in the dragonfly that mean something to them wither it be a football helmet, a particular piece of jewelery, a sea shell...anything at all that moves them. I feel honored every time I create one.

I am a major advocate for keeping tats I create original to their owner. That way I invite you to look around at my art and become inspired in having me CREATE a design ESPECIALLY for YOU. I always open for tat design so if your interested I am positive I can create something killer to dawn for all eternity on your skin. I can be reached here: [email protected] Please state you came from here and note what your looking to have created :)

Thanks so much for your comment and for all of your support...I truly keeps me excited to create even more.

Contact me here : [email protected] to talk about your custom art plans :)


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 22 Aug 2010

i love ur work, one of my friends got one and i was crazy for her's but then i saw ur's and its like wicked look i want one heres my email... nixy_joe@hotmail

Anonymous Guest 23 Sep 2009

This is awesome and I totally LOVE the idea of incorporating things that represent you and your life inside the wings of the dragonfly! I am just curious, what kinds of things have you had people ask you to draw inside the wings? nikifrogrdh@hotmail