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© 2009 Armando Salas. ---When our Civil War ended in 1939 my father was at a prison camp at Cedeira, a beautiful village near Ortigueira, my hometown. Most of prisoners were fusilladed by Dictator General Franco's Army but my father was a survivor. After that, he lived with his uncle Manuel and cousin Thais at Ortigueira and also began to work in court of justice. Two years after he knew my mother and got married. Upper image: the beautiful house where my father lived with his uncle and cousin (2nd.floor). This building was recently restored. Bottom image: I have the original photo from 1934 at El Val. My father's uncle, Manuel Rodríguez Salas (standing) was secretary of the law court. The other man is judge Manuel Taboada Roca, Count of Borrajeiros.This judge passed away two years ago, at age 103 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- P.S.- My daughter Gloria says he looks like Harold Lloyd :-)

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Kukua Akumanyi 10 May 2009

Wow 103 that's amazing good life good people will do that to you.... fusilladed - do you mean that they were put in front of a firing squad. How horrendous...The sad thing is that there is still that level of evil in the world today…. as clichéd as this sound seriously when will it end? What will it take before we stop being this evil to ourselves.

Artist Reply: Yes, Kukua, fusilladed. Also during our Civil War my uncles Braulio and Adolfo -my father's brothers- were fusilladed, one of them by General Franco and another one by Republicans. Can you imagine it?: two brothers, each of them fusilladed by antagonist forces? All the wars are horrible but the civil wars are the worst because of revenges. My uncle Braulio was ill at hospital because of dysentery. The soldiers took him to the courtyard of hospital and since he couldn't be standing, they immobilized him on a stretcher by using cords. This way he could be "standing"... and they shot. "Horrible" isn't enough...

Tree Pruitt 09 May 2009

Fantastic share darling! Love the building, the history, and YOU! ;)

Delia Pacheco 09 May 2009

what a beautiful building, I'm glad they restored it...great story!

jamie winter 09 May 2009

wonderful capture and thank you for sharing.!!!!

Stefani Wehner 09 May 2009

Beautiful architectural shot and interesting informations. Thanks for sharing, Armando!