




Artist Bio

Hi, Thank you for this sight. I am 30 years old with no training outside of high school. I used to love to draw and paint but after high school I gave it all up and settled into a family life and a career in nursing. Now after nearly 13 years my boys are at an age where they are more independant. I realized I lost sight of myself and who I am in reality and have changed all that too. Now after alot of soul searching my life is fitting me much better and I have a new lease on life. I have more free time to myself and I just wondered if I still had it in me after all these years to go back and do something I used to love to do and realized I missed. So here I am, got me a starter kit and off I go. I have completed one piece already and am suprised I could do what I did. I would love to have more tips and training and any comments to my work would greatly be appreciated. I hope you enjoy my new lease on life. I would love to hear from artist and critiques alike. Thanks Again, Michelle Justice-Newland

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