







Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am a disabled Jewish 54 y/o autistic woman.

I paint whimsical and endearing scenes of both traditional and modern Jewish Life. I am a Reform Jew but I appreciate all branches of Judaism. I believe in unity in diversity and hope one day all Jews, regardless of which branch of Judaism they belong to, will accept and support and be tolerant of each other and all Israel will be One. Am Yisrael Echad! Am Yisrael Chai!

You will find I have signed my artwork with various different names. I began using my name in its French form when I first began, Adelle Jean. Later I went to using my legal name Adelle John, but about a year ago I decided to use my Hebrew name to sign my paintings so the recent ones bear the signature Adinah. I am thinking I will stick with that. Hopefully sometime after the New Year I will legally change my name to Adinah Tovah and in anticipation have started signing artwork under that now.

Thank you for visiting my site. Please do leave comments and feel free to email me thru the website. Also, to Jewish non profit organisations: I will allow the reproduction of my artwork on a one time use basis for your charity free of charge. Email me with what you would like to use an image for and the details and I will get in touch with you and send a lg file of the image for you. I also will do this with my animal art for humane societies.

Toda Rabba and Shalom.

Artist Highlights