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24 July, 2003
  • Staff
  • 24 Jul 2003

Original Post: More website improvements

We upgraded a few items over the week and just wanted to let everyone know what we did so that you can take advantage of these new features:

  • When you search for a specific keyword, category, style or media, you can click on the new VIEW RESULTS AS SLIDE SHOW button at the bottom of the page. This will load all of the results of your search into a easy to view slideshow.

  • We have created a 'browse backgrounds' link on the MEMBER PREFERENCES area, so that you can browse through the backgrounds you have uploaded and pick the one you wish to set as your default background image.

  • We have made it easier to manage your comments as well. You now have the ability to delete comments that others have placed on your work. You can also hide a comment from the public view, so that you are the only one to see it. Simply click on the COMMENTS section of the MEMBERS AREA to see how this works.

  • Another thing we did was to allow you to delete old e-mails that have been sent to you by members. Simply click on the DELETE link when you are reading the e-mail.

  • If you were watching closely, you will see that we changed the home page slightly. We added a 'contest' section that displays that weeks winning entry, along with the links to the current and past contests. This will give our winners and contests more exposure to those that hit the home page.

  • One last thing...we fixed several small bugs that were happening with the EDIT INFO & MEMBER PREFERENCES pages. If you have had trouble in the past saving information on these pages, we invite you to try again and let us know any feedback.

As you can see, we always have something that we are improving around here. We hope you enjoy the new updates.